EOLOA Process

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Here you will find a step-by-step guide to the End of Life Option Act process. 

EOLOA process | step by step


Talk to your doctor

If you think you might be interested in pursuing EOLOA, please talk to a doctor on your medical team as soon as possible, even if you're not certain. Many patients wait until they become very sick or are already enrolled in hospice to discuss the topic, and this can make it much more challenging to access aid-in-dying medications. Completing this process can take four weeks on average, so it's important to allow ample time for each step. 


Find a participating doctor

Your doctor can provide more information about the EOLOA process and talk with you about your eligibility. If your doctor doesn't participate in EOLOA, your request will be documented and you'll be referred to a participating provider. 


Request aid-in-dying medications from your doctor

Once you have identified a doctor who is willing to prescribe EOLOA medications for you (often called your attending or prescribing physician), you need to make two verbal requests for these medications from your doctor. These requests need to occur directly from you to your doctor. No one else can be in the room or present at the telehealth visit at the time of these requests. A waiting period of at least 48 hours must separate the requests. 


Meet with a consulting doctor

In addition to meeting with your prescribing doctor, you'll be referred to a consulting doctor who will confirm your eligibility for and your wish to proceed with EOLOA. 


Mental health evaluation

Your prescribing doctor may choose to refer you for a single mental health evaluation to ensure that emotional distress isn't impairing your capacity to make a clear and thoughtful decision about EOLOA. This referral is based on your medical history, the doctor's clinical judgment and standard screening tools. 


EOLOA Request form

You'll complete an Aid in Dying Request form from the Medical Board of California declaring your wish to pursue EOLOA, which needs to be signed by you and two witnesses -- and then sent to your doctor. 

Aid-in-Dying Request Form (PDF) 


Obtaining aid-in-dying medications

Once your eligibility has been confirmed and you have completed all required steps, your prescribing doctor will work with you to prescribe the medications if and when it is appropriate to do so. For safety reasons, your doctor will typically prescribe the medications within one to two weeks of your potential date of ingestion. We encourage ongoing close communication among you, your loved ones, and your doctor as the date approaches to ensure you feel safe and well-supported. 


Hospice enrollment

We strongly recommend you enroll in hospice before ingesting your aid-in-dying medications to ensure you and your loved ones are well supported during this time. Your doctor can facilitate this referral when the time is right for you, most often after you complete the steps to qualify for EOLOA. 



This website provides information about EOLOA only as it relates to UCSF patients. Talk to your medical team if you have additional questions.